
Sitefinity Release Notes

Sitefinity CMS 7.0.5100

April 10, 2014

What’s New in Sitefinity 7.0

Dev Tools

  • RadControls upgraded to Q1 2014 SP1, version 2014.1.403
  • Telerik Data Access upgraded to Q1 2014 SP1version 2014.1.403
  • Kendo Controls upgraded to 2014.1.321(internal build of Q1-2014)
  • Service Stack upgraded to version 4.0.14
  • Azure SDK upgraded to version 2.2
  • Galleria – Responsive JavaScript Image Gallery upgraded to version 1.3.5


  • Related Content, including the option to relate to:
    • Static Content: News, Events, Blog Posts
    • Items created with Dynamic Modules
    • Pages
      Option to create links between content items and pages, and show those links on the front end.(doc) (FP)
  • Related Media (images, videos, files) support in :
    • Pages, and
    • Static Modules (News, Events, etc.)
      Option to associate content to media items (images, videos, documents) and to show those links on the front end. (doc) (FP, FP, FP, FP). Custom ordering is supported for linked items (FP, FP)
      Note: this feature replaces the current Media fields.
  • Custom Fields in Pages (doc)
    Ability to add custom fields for Pages, and to use the info in them when displaying the page on the front end.  (FP, FP)
  • Ratings with Comments (doc)
    Ability to rate when posting a comment, displaying average rating per item.
  • Personalization Per User Role (doc)
    Option to create personalization segment based on the user roles.
  • Revision History in Dynamic Content Items (doc)
    Updates to Dynamic Content Items (created with Module Builder) are stored and visible in Revision History section. (FP, FP, FP)
  • Option to Duplicate Page Templates (doc)
    Existing page templates can be copied to reuse their content and layout. (FP, FP, FP, FP)
  • Option to Duplicate Forms (doc)
    Existing forms can be copied to reuse their layout and settings. (FP)
  • Backend Filtering by Custom Taxonomies for Static Modules (FP)
    The backend of static modules (News, Events, Images, etc.) shows option to filter by  associated custom taxonomies.
  • Improved Backend of Dynamic Modules (doc) (FP)
    Added sorting by date and any custom field, options to filter by status.
  • Sharing Page Links to Unauthenticated Users (doc)
    Preview links to pages can be shared as links to people who are not Sitefinity users.
  • Custom video thumbnails (doc) (FP)
    Ability to upload custom image for video thumbnail.
  • Events: Option to set event date in time zone different than the than the local one (doc)
  • Events: Added support for daylight saving time in recurring events (doc)


  • Videos HTML5 Player (doc)
    Telerik RadMedia Player
    is used to display videos, supports the following video formats: WebM, Ogg, MP4.
    Upgrade Note: Users upgrading will have to switch to HTML5 mode. (instructions)
  • Videos Widget Supports YouTube Videos and Playlists (doc)
    Links to YouTube can be inserted in Video Widget advanced settings.
  • Custom Thumbnails in Widgets (doc) (doc)
    Image and Content Block offer options to specify a custom thumbnail to apply to the image displayed in the widget
  • Categories and Tags Added to Image/Video/Documents Upload Dialogues
    Users uploading images and files see option to specify categories and tags for the uploaded item (doc). Administrators can customize the item fields showing in the upload dialogue (doc).
  • CSS Class Property Added to All Widgets (doc)



  • Editable Placeholder Labels for Layout and Content Placeholders (doc)
    Option to specify labels displayed in edit mode to users working with placeholders.(FP, FP, FP)
  • In Page Templates, Option to Set a Widgets as Editable (doc)
    Widgets marked as editable, can be updated by users working with pages based on this template.


Migrating to Multisite


  • Ability to migrate multiple single sites to one multisite instance (doc)


  • Startup: Reduced the CPU time with 25% (doc)
  • Authentication: Improved the mechanism of updating user activity information
  • Dynamic Modules (Hierarchical): Changed ORM mapping of dynamic content, so index on system_parent_id and application name is efficiently used
  • Dynamic Modules (Backend): Decreased the number of db requests up to 5 times
  • Feeds: Dynamic content RSS feed’s performance improved
  • Forums: Added output cache for anonymous users (doc)
  • Personalization: Added output cache for personalized pages (doc)


  • Duplicating Pages Between Sites (doc)
  • Sharing Forms Between Sites (doc)


  • Product Reviews (doc) (FP)
  • UserID based shopping cart (doc) (FP)
  • Product widget: Designer for filtering the list (doc)
  • Option to skip the checkout Payment step when the total is 0 (doc) (FP)
  • Option to change the default product image (doc) (FB)
  • Checkout: Ability to go back to previous steps (doc)
  • Checkout: Default country option (doc) (FP)


  • Search: Ability to exclude pages and widgets from search (doc) (FP)
  • Inline Editing: Added link to edit page widgets and layout (doc)
  • Authentication: Added option to configure if users will see message “Someone is already using this username…” (doc, doc)
  • Multilingual: A parent page which is translated and not synched can have child translated page which is synced (doc)
  • Module Builder: Deletion of Dynamic Modules Content Types (doc) (FP)
  • Thunder: Added support for Windows Azure SDK 2.2 (doc)

What’s Fixed


  • Pages Custom URLs: 404-Not Found exception appears to user editing page with a custom URL with extension
  • Events: Events with missing end date are not displayed in filters (FP)
  • Events: Dated inside DST have incorrect start and end time when displayed in Calendar
  • Events: Issue with recurrent events with start time other than UTC (FP)


  • Navigation: Problems with subfolder in Multisite (FP)
  • Navigation: "All pages under currently opened page" results in Object reference exception when editing the widget on a Page template
  • Navigation: Unpublished pages show when 'Show in navigation' is set to false pages (FP)
  • Navigation: Using "All pages under particular page" causes an error (FP)
  • Navigation: Redirect pages are not visible in the widget
  • User Profile: Deleting avatar from widget doesn’t delete the master version of the image
  • Responsive: Navigation doesn't work if there are not layout controls on the page
  • List: When set to "Page list," the detail template cannot be changed (FP)
  • List: Sorting options are not dynamic (FP)
  • Responsive Design: CSS selector in responsive design rules is not setting the file path correctly (FP)
  • Responsive Design: Preview for mobile devices is not showing any CSS style rules applied (FP)


  • In responses, the values of a MultipleChoiceField control is returned as comma separated letters (FP)
  • When Checkboxes control is set as required, it doesn’t persist the RequiredViolationMessage (FP)
  • Form cannot be deleted if form field is added after a response is submitted
  • File cannot be uploaded when the system library is deleted
  • File upload extension validation is case sensitive (FP)
  • Deleting form field or form drops related objects (columns and tables) from the database

Module Builder

  • If a document, that is used in the Media field of a dynamic module, is deleted, a content link, containing its id remains in the database (FP)
  • If you add a media (multiple images) field to a dynamic module, on the front-end they will not be ordered as in the backend (FP)
  • Deleting the MainSection prevents new fields to be added to a module (FP)
  • Customizing the list template of a child hierarchical type inserts an unclosed div tag (FP)
  • Breadcrumb shows Module Builder Item placed on the page when AllowVirtualNodes=true (FP)
  • Exception is thrown if the first field name is more than 30 symbols
  • Limitations for file extensions and size of the files don’t work for already uploaded media items (FP)
  • Thumbnail images of "Images" and "Videos" media fields get cropped in Chrome
  • Deleting address field doesn't delete its section
  • The template of dynamic modules is not automatically assigned to the site if there is only one site


  • Move image and folder to another library results in "An item with the URL already exists"
  • Move folder and image to another library is moving all images on root level


  • When you create a page translation, the default theme is applied to the page template (FP)
  • Deleting of one language group page is blocked if its other language version has subpage (FP)
  • Error 404 is thrown when you duplicate pages in multilingual site and change the parent (FP)
  • Unpublishing page translations does not work as expected (FP)
  • Creating a child pages under a parent that is nonexistent is possible (FP)
  • Page duplication problem (FP)
  • Wrong page ordering after a stop of syncing Pages
  • Personalization: Opening segment through the grid loads the default language version
  • Adding translation to a child page when the parent has missing translation throws an error
  • Custom fields limitations in short text field does not work with numbers (FP)
  • Multisite: Additional URLs cannot be deleted when you have a single language in multilingual scenario (PITS)
  • Multisite: Additional URLs cannot be deleted when you have a single language
  • Forms: Sending multilingual forms doesn`t tolerate the names of the form control (FP)


  • @Html.RenderPartial and @Html.RenderAction do not work (FP)
  • Using @Html.Action renders partial views before the containing view instead where the helper is invoked in the view (FP)
  • Having multiple MVC widgets that perform redirect on HttpPost  always refer to the HttpPost action of the first widget controller (FP)
  • In MVC Widget with Designer the field value is not populated (FP)


  • Marketo Connector: Fixed an error when reattaching to submit buttons after the update panel is refreshed
  • Sharepoint Connector: Attempt to sync document library to Sharepoint 2013 (version throws an exception
  • “Everlive” Connector renamed to “Telerik Backend Services” Connector
  • Telerik Backend Service Connector: works with latest changes in Telerik Platform


  • Search: Sitefinity search doesn’t work in the Permissions section of pages or any content items when you search in the LDAP provider (FP)
  • Dashboard: Fixed errors in Sitefinity's log when News Module is disabled
  • Dashboard>Analytics: Does not work if the default language is not English (FP)
  • Dashboard>Analytics: Exception when analytics dashboard is refreshed after setup
  • Migration Tool: After migration comments are not associated with the commented item
  • Inline Editing: Fixed broken UI when uploading new images
  • Inline editing: In Multilingual mode split page returns error '404 page not found'
  • Ecommerce: Allow the payment response to parameterize the redirect HTTP (POST, GET).
  • LDAP: Fixed Ldap Query to support ToUpper and ToLower
  • Claims authentication: Fixed a bug that caused the authentication cookie to expire 10 hours after it has been issued
  • Workflow: workflow related tables not updating entries property after workflow items are deleted (FP)
  • Email Campaigns: Selection of mailing list in the "Select mailing lists" dialog is not preserved (FP)
  • Email Campaigns: Subscriber's Email cannot be changed after sending an issue (FP)
  • Mobile App builder: Added compatibility with new Icenium Authentication
  • Mobile App builder: Application could not be deleted in Firefox version greater than 26.0
  • Analytics: Dll’s are reduced to 1
  • Analytics: Stats links in content don't work with provider different from the default

Upgrade Instructions

Database Changes

Breaking Changes

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