
Sitefinity Cloud
Release Notes

Sprint Update on August 19, 2022

August 19, 2022

What's new

Image optimization

The image optimization feature in Sitefinity Cloud provides capabilities for reducing image size without reducing their quality. The feature is using third-party services like Tinify and Kraken IO to automatically optimize images in Sitefinity CMS. The optimization is applied during the upload of newly added images or in the background for non-optimized existing images. Reducing image size can substantially improve web page load speeds and reduce the DB size without sacrificing quality.

For more information, see Image optimization.

PREREQUISITES: To be able to use Image optimization in Sitefinity Cloud, you must enable the feature through a setting and upgrade to the latest version of the "Progress.Sitefinity.Cloud" NuGet package in your project. If you use Automated Upgrades, the upgrade will be automatically performed. For more information, see Upgrade.

Preview Deployments for Production

Preview deployments are replacing the slower and more complicated deployment rollback functionality that was previously available. Preview deployments check that the new deployed version of the application on Production can start-up and pages can be precompiled using a DB copy before switching to the actual Production DB. This is important in case of DB schema changes and Sitefinity upgrades that come with the new deployment package, because if the application fails to start or corrupts the DB copy, the actual Production DB won't be affected. This new approach is the first step towards more advanced deployment preview options that can be added in the future - for example, executing custom automated tests or manual review and approval of the deployed application before proceeding with making the new version official.

What's improved

  • Fixed bug with failing automated upgrade for projects with external repositories
  • Fixed bug with runtime upgrade environment name missing from the email for an automated upgrade
  • Fixed bug in multi-regional failover pipeline related to environment names

Progress Sitefinity

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