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Sitefinity Insight
Release Notes

Redesigned personalization report

June 10, 2020

We have completely redesigned the asset personalization report to give you more information at a glance and to enable you to filter your data better. We hope you all would enjoy it as much as our selected customers who provided feedback on early prototypes. Below is a summary of the most significant changes.

Personalization summary
In line with our new report style, the summary section gives you general metrics such as the percentage of personalized views of the page.

Page views by segment
A new customizable chart provides clear statistics about the rate of page views by segment. You can now filter which segments to display in this section to focus on those of most interest. Share of personalized views shows which segments are more actively visiting the page compared to the total views.

Heatmap for attribution to conversions
The attribution section now features a heatmap where you can compare each segment's attribution to each of your conversions. Further details are available via – you guessed it - Show attribution details link below the heatmap.

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