
Press Coverage

Media Inquiries Contact:
Jeff Young, Vice President, Corporate Communications

TechGig November 7, 2023

AI and ML offer immense potential for companies says Girija Kolagada, VP of Engineering at Progress

Welcome to this exclusive interview with Progress, a dynamic and innovative technology company that has been at the forefront of digital transformation for over three decades. I conducted an exclusive interaction with Girija Kolagada, VP of Engineering at Progress. During the interaction, we talked about multiple things that are driving the IT world.


MarTech Series November 3, 2023

Progress Accelerates Digital Modernization Using Generative AI and Enhanced Data Connectivity with Latest Release of Sitefinity

Progress announced the availability of Progress Sitefinity 15. With this release, Progress delivers new generative AI (GenAI) support throughout the platform, enabling marketers to create personalized content at scale.

TotalRetail November 1, 2023

Overcoming a Rip-and-Replace Mindset and Vendor Reliance

Today, more and more chief marketing officers (CMOs) are trying to navigate the change in customer relationship ownership from being sales owned to marketing owned. To stay ahead of the curve, modern CMOs must fully embrace data integration and analytics to deliver personalized experiences, optimize campaigns for maximum impact, and drive business growth.


IT Brief November 1, 2023

Progress releases new tools for enhanced accessibility & security in app development

Progress has released new development tools to aid developers in meeting the latest accessibility and security standards (WCAG and CSP), as well as UI design requirements.


DEVOPSdigest October 26, 2023

Progress Telerik and Progress Kendo UI R3 2023 Released

Progress announced the R3 2023 release of Progress® Telerik® and Progress® Kendo UI®, .NET and JavaScript UI libraries and tools for application development.


Forbes October 26, 2023

How Software ‘Lives’, Inside An Application Delivery Infrastructure

Software is developed, but also delivered. We talk about software application development, creation and building on a daily basis. Thanks to the fact that it’s now chic to be geek, we champion the lives of programmers and sometimes even data scientists all the time. These days, everyone it seems is starting to learn about the value of a good algorithm and the mathematics behind it.


ComputerWeekly.com October 26, 2023

Progress shapes, sharpens & styles developer UI design tools

The Computer Weekly Developer Network team found itself in Bulgaria this week, but why so?

With a track record in exemplary mathematics scholars and scientists (Bulgarian mathematicians has its own entry on Wikipedia and the pages are extensively separated between male and female luminaries in this field), it should be no surprise to find a collection of modern technology firms locating in Sofia, the Bulgarian capital.


DEVOPSdigest October 25, 2023

Progress Releases Flowmon ADS 12.2

Progress announced the latest release of its network anomaly detection system, Progress® Flowmon® ADS.

ComputerWeekly.com October 25, 2023

Progress DevReach 2023: Software solutions in Sofia

Progress hosted its DevReach 2023 developer conference program in Sofia, Bulgaria this month. This event aimed to show off the company’s platform and also showcase key technology partners, who guested to detail the total toolchains available to work with here.


devmio October 19, 2023

Desktop Apps Your Way – Bridging the Gap Between Desktop and Web Apps

With the availability of .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) - the cross-platform framework for creating native mobile and desktop apps with C# and XAML - and other newer dev platforms, developers have become spoilt for choice when it comes to modern web/mobile/cloud development platforms on Microsoft/Telerik technology stacks. Most modern developers love to work with bleeding-edge technologies, with many .NET developers invested in Blazor or .NET MAUI and JavaScript (JS) using their single-page application (SPA) frameworks for web apps.


TotalRetail October 18, 2023

Channel Surfing: The Omnichannel Customer Experience

Without knowing what an omnichannel experience is, customers say they want it and, in many cases, have come to expect it. According to PwC’s June 2023 Global Consumer Insights Pulse Survey, 80 percent of consumers shopped across at least three channels in the first half of the year. If we ascribe to the common belief that it takes seven marketing touches before a customer will act on a call to action, the fact that consumers are shopping across at least three channels is significant.


Healthcare IT Today October 13, 2023

Place Accessibility Front and Center in Every Aspect of Your Healthcare App

In recent years, we have seen a massive increase in society’s reliance on technology. Accelerated in large part due to the pandemic, technology evolved overnight in order to meet the changing needs of its users, most notably the ability to access information from anywhere on any device. As we have returned to our new normal, the advances we made continue to permeate our everyday lives.


Financial Express October 12, 2023

Progress awards third annual ‘Akanksha Scholarship for Women in STEM’

Progress has unveiled the recipient of the third annual Progress Software Akanksha Scholarship for Women in STEM in India. This scholarship is part of Progress’s Women in STEM Scholarship series, designed to enhance the global presence of women in computer science, software engineering, IT, and computer information systems in Bulgaria, India, and the United States, according to an official release.


IT Brief Australia October 11, 2023

Progress launches LoadMaster 360: Transforming app delivery

In a significant move to transform the world of application experience, Progress has announced the launch of its cloud-based unified application delivery platform, Progress LoadMaster 360. This state-of-the-art platform is aimed at offering organizations a consolidated view of all their data, thereby promising to significantly reduce downtime and enhance the application experience for their customers.

DEVOPSdigest October 10, 2023

Progress LoadMaster 360 Released

Progress announced the launch of Progress LoadMaster 360, a cloud-based unified application delivery platform, providing organizations with a single-pane-of-glass experience to deploy, operate and troubleshoot applications and delivery infrastructure.

Intelligent CIO October 4, 2023

Progress and Software Improvement Group (SIG) partner over OpenEdge Applications

Progress and Software Improvement Group (SIG) have partnered to help ensure the long-term maintainability and modernization of business-critical applications built on the Progress OpenEdge platform.

TFiR October 2, 2023

Has DevOps Lost its Luster? | Interview With Progress VP Of Strategy Mark Troester

Progress Chef not only provides a single DevOps framework that works regardless of the type and location of the application, but also extends the DevOps value with cloud-to-edge security and compliance. In this episode of TFiR: Let’s Talk, Progress VP of Strategy Mark Troester shares his insights on DevOps, generative AI, and how Progress Chef is helping companies increase productivity.


datanami September 27, 2023

The Face of Data Bias

Businesses need to trust the data they use, the data-driven decisions made, and the actions taken to ensure the outcomes desired are correct. Failure to tackle data bias adequately could result in a loss of trust from end-users, potentially affecting the success and sustainability of enterprises overall.

The New Stack September 26, 2023

The Angular Renaissance: Why Frontend Devs Should Revisit It

Frontend developer Alyssa Nicoll has a message for other frontend developers: Angular is experiencing a renaissance moment and it’s time to revisit this JavaScript framework.

Techgraph September 26, 2023

Helping The Indian Youth To Upskill Through Tech Bootcamps

The Indian talent landscape is experiencing significant changes driven by shifts in the world economy, advancements in technology, and evolving workforce preferences. While more young people choose software engineering for their career, there is still a scarcity of skilled professionals, intense competition for top talent, and a need for upskilling and reskilling – all these while investing a lot to retain current employees.