
Press Coverage

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Erica McShane, Vice President, Corporate Communications

DEVOPSdigest April 4, 2024

Has DevOps Lost its Luster? Exploring a Platform Engineering Future

Nearly two decades ago, proponents of the DevOps movement rallied against traditional software models that called for the developers who write code to be organizationally and functionally separate from those who deploy and support the code. Despite taking a few years, DevOps gained full adoption, and Agile development practices like automated build and test became the status quo after Gartner got on board with the concept in 2011.


HR Daily Advisor April 4, 2024

AI’s Impact on Hiring: Keep the Human in Your Talent Acquisition Practices

AI is a tool like anything else. So, when I hear about AI in hiring, I think less about the AI itself and what it is capable of and more about how companies, teams and individuals may use it. Talent Acquisition (TA) and retention is a people-centered process: It wouldn’t be wise to overuse AI or replace TA with AI. 


Dynamic Business April 3, 2024

The insider’s guide for budget-conscious marketers

Whether you’re a startup entrepreneur, a small business owner, or a seasoned marketer aiming to do more with less, join us as our amazing experts uncover cost-effective solutions, clever hacks, and ingenious approaches to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive market.


Solutions Review March 29, 2024

Breeding Customer Loyalty Through the Omnichannel Experience

On the consumer end, the average purchase—of a suitcase, a desk lamp, or an electric toothbrush—can feel relatively simple. But as any marketer knows, the path from noticing a product to actually buying it can, in fact, be enormously complex, facilitated on the backend by multiple teams working day in and day out on such complicated matters as UX design, behavioral analytics, and targeted ad copy. The better integrated these components are across platforms—i.e., the more seamless the experience is for the consumer—the higher the likelihood of a sale. 


Techstrong.ai March 28, 2024

Unconscious Bias in AI: How to Avoid it and Navigate Regulation

The human brain processes an inordinate amount of information every day. Scientists have tried to quantify it, with some saying it is 100,000 words and others suggesting it is 34GB of data. Regardless of the study, they all agree it is a massive amount. And as an evolved species, humans have found ways to quickly process much of that information without it even registering they are doing it. 

DEVOPSdigest March 26, 2024

Progress Partners with Veeam Software to Deliver AI-Powered Network Detection and Response to Global Enterprises

Progress announced a strategic partnership with Veeam Software, the #1 leader by market share in Data Protection and Ransomware Recovery, to provide customers with an enterprise-ready cyber defense solution that strengthens the security of their business-critical data.


TechGig March 22, 2024

How embracing neurodiversity in the workplace can help companies; insights from expert

Embracing neurodiversity in the workplace is not just a social obligation but also a business benefit. Organizations may achieve creativity, productivity enhancement, and the promotion of an inclusive and welcoming culture by acknowledging and using the unique abilities of neurodiverse people. Organizations that have neurodiversity as a top priority are able to recruit a more extensive range of skilled persons and are seen as appealing employers by people with various backgrounds and skills.

BW People March 22, 2024

Diverse Minds, Infinite Possibilities: Neurodiversity At Workplace

Neurodiversity, the concept that neurological differences are normal and valuable, is increasingly recognised as essential in today's work environment. Shirley Knowles, Chief Inclusion & Diversity Officer at Progress believes that embracing neurodiversity fosters innovation, creativity, and problem-solving by harnessing the unique perspectives and talents of individuals with diverse cognitive abilities. Inclusive workplaces that value neurodiversity not only benefit from a wider talent pool but also cultivate a culture of acceptance and belonging, leading to increased employee engagement and overall organizational success.


Business Reporter March 19, 2024

The true benefits of composable IT architecture

The notion of composable architecture as a way to generate greater business agility and scalability is nothing new in the tech world. Composable architecture breaks down traditional silos for application deployment and management. In fact, a recent report in Gartner’s most-read research category, Hype Cycles, has ranked composable infrastructure as having a “high” benefit rating that will result in significantly increased revenue or cost savings for an enterprise of any size. 


TFiR March 15, 2024

Usability testing without a UX specialist

The end goal for any company is to meet the needs of its users. Companies that use software to solve problems/meet user needs are no exception. It is understandable that amidst the daily turmoil of producing and fixing, creating and deploying, it can be easy to lose sight of the primary objective: helping users.


The Fast Mode March 14, 2024

Hybrid Cloud Challenges: How Network Observability Paves the Path to Greater Security and More Seamless Management

The appeal of hybrid cloud deployments is undeniable. They offer the agility and scalability of the public cloud plus the control and security of on-premises infrastructure for any systems or data needing more protection. However, using a hybrid model introduces additional challenges for IT teams. Visibility limitations often plague hybrid deployments. This means IT teams need extra help to identify security threats, deliver robust operations and maintain optimal performance levels.


KMWorld March 13, 2024

Go Beyond Just Integrating Data: Discover the Meaning Behind Your Data

The goal of knowledge management is quite simple: put the right information in front of the right person at the right time to enable better, more informed and contextualized decisions. And the ability to make those decisions usually lies deep in a company’s data—particularly, its metadata.

InsideBIGDATA March 13, 2024

Embracing the Agile Data Platform: A Key to Business Survival Today

As the volume and variety of data continues its exponential growth year after year, mastering that data—capturing, analyzing and utilizing it effectively to make informed decisions is becoming fundamental to business survival. To succeed and thrive in this environment requires businesses and organizations to embrace a culture of continuous learning, rapid adoption of insights and the seamless integration of modern technologies.


Digitalisation World March 10, 2024

Inspiring Inclusion: it’s a group effort

The world has come a long way since the first International Women’s Day rally 113 years ago, but there is still a notable distance to go before gender equality is achieved. Within the technology sector in particular, despite having produced some of the most renowned female figures in history - from Ada Lovelace to Marie Curie - women still only represent 26% of the workforce and 5% of management.

Women Entrepreneur India March 8, 2024

Women's Day: Women Leaders Outline Path to Inclusive Business World

Inclusion in the workplace creates a sense of belonging among co-workers that can translate to greater productivity, more innovation, and better decision-making in any organization. Working in the Indian business landscape, I see inclusion as the key to collective growth.

CXO Today March 7, 2024

Progress Announces 2024 Akanksha Scholarship for Women in STEM in India

Progress announced that applications are open for the 2024 Progress Software Akanksha Scholarship for Women in STEM in India. Completed submissions will be accepted here until April 12, 2024.

ComputerWeekly.com March 5, 2024

Progress OpenEdge widens & deepens developer infrastructure services

Infrastructure software company Progress has continued to expand, augment, enhance (and perhaps even pare back where needed) the fabric and functions of its Progress OpenEdge flagship application development platform.

Disruptive Tech News February 29, 2024

Digital Experiences in 2024: Artificial Intelligence Above Everything Else

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) was all the rage in 2023 and there are no signs that it is a fad that will fade soon. While much of the attention is on applications like ChatGPT and its ability to generate huge amounts of text with human-like comprehensibility, these comprise just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to AI’s implications.

The European Financial Review February 25, 2024

Banking From Anywhere: How Content Marketing Can Improve the Digital Banking Experience

The banking and financial services industry has been one to experience the most radical digitization over the last few years. Customers have gone from planning to visit a nearby bank branch to open an account or apply for loans, to opening one in just a few clicks on a device. Today, the shift to home banking has been driven by the availability of technology and customer demand to conduct their banking whenever and wherever they want. 

Fortune February 23, 2024

What’s the difference between a software engineer and software developer?

Today’s society could not function without software. From cell phones and televisions to traffic lights and digital billboards, its uses are endless. 

As the world becomes more and more digitized, the demand for those creating software that powers everything we do is only increasingly—and fast.