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MOVEit Managed File Transfer Features

Get to know the major features available for MOVEit Transfer, MOVEit Cloud, and MOVEit Automation.

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Ad-Hoc Managed File Transfer

MOVEit Ad Hoc Transfer gives end-users a secure and regulatory-compliant way, using their browser or Outlook, to quickly send messages and files of any size to other people in a way that is visible and managed by IT.

Deployment Options

Choose the MOVEit Transfer deployment model that best serves your organization’s needs in relation to budget, resource constraints (infrastructure, personnel), scalability and geographic location requirements.


Develop, integrate, and deploy secure file transfer and management applications that leverage your MOVEit Transfer solution through a wide range of REST APIs.

Secure Folder Sharing

Enable end-users with a secure collaboration alternative to consumer-grade file sharing tools. Leverage the visibility, activity tracking and controls of MOVEit to ensure secure and compliant sharing of sensitive data.

Workflow Automation

MOVEit’s REST, Java and .NET APIs, support for PowerShell and easy-to-use Automation module allow IT teams to quickly on-board new partners and roll-out new services.

MOVEit Mobile

The free MOVEit Mobile app makes it simple to upload, download and manage secure file transfers with your mobile device while enjoying advanced features like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Secure Folder Sharing.

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MOVEit® Features

The following list details the major features available for MOVEit Transfer, MOVEit Cloud and MOVEit Automation

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