Tag: Partners

Introducing Progress Partner Podcasts
This month we’re launching our all new Partner Podcast series, to be hosted on the Progress® website at progress.com/resources/podcasts. These exciting new...
A.J. Kriete January 22, 2015
Meet the PAC: Juan Salazar, President, Quantum Data Systems
In 2012, Progress established its inaugural Partner Advisory Council (PAC). The PAC serves as a way for Progress Partners to collaborate regularly, and helps us identify and respond to the needs of our most important stakeholders, our customers. The PAC comprises the leaders of many companies you’ve...
Karen Padir on Extending Cloud Services Support
Progress has partnered with HP to enable ISVs to build end-to-end cloud solutions. Karen Tegan Padir, president of the Application Development and Deployment Business at Progress Software, was interviewed at HP Discover in Barcelona earlier this month. The...
Richard Stone December 16, 2014
All About Progress Education
At Progress, we value education. Whether it’s covering the latest and greatest technology trends in our blog, attending industry conferences to make sure we’re on the pulse of the ever-changing industry, or arming our employees with the tools they need to be successful, we love to...
Ignite Your Co-Marketing with Progress!
At Progress, we know that as a Progress Partner, you may have a marketing and sales team – or that YOU MAY BE the marketing and sales team. We know that you may also be the head of operations, the legal team, director of finance, receptionist, janitor… etc. That’s why we’re dedicated...
A.J. Kriete October 20, 2014

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