Tag: company news

The Role of Technology in Making Business Decisions
The following is a guest blog by Chris Webber, Senior Editor of the Economist Intelligence Unit.  He conducted a research study on the role of technology in making business decisions and presented his findings during a session at Progress Revolution Boston 2011. By: Chris Webber, Senior...
John Bates September 21, 2011
Defining Customer Experience Management – A Conversation with Susan McNeice, Yankee Group
Even if you have the latest and greatest communications technology at your disposal, if the user experience is poor, all value is lost. It is the provider’s job to ensure that user expectations are met and that network disturbances don’t negatively affect the end user’s experience, which could result...
Introducing SupportLink - Our New Customer Support Portal
Progress Customer Support is now Progress SupportLink!  And it’s not just about a new name – it’s about several new features that make it easier for you to manage support cases and engage resources.  It’s about getting even more responsive award-winning support – from self-service...
John Stewart September 19, 2011
SMB Business Outlook: “Cloudy”
Welcome back! Now that summer is over (sigh), it’s time to once again focus on work. I am sure you are busy reviewing your end-of-year strategies and tactics. Some of you might even be peering into 2012 and wondering what you can do to make an impact—maybe grow revenue through new customer...
End to end visibility - coming to a supply chain near you
I have been fortunate to participate in the 2011 Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference in London, an assembly of leading supply chain practitioners where we spend 3 days listening to latest thinking for...

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