Tag: API

Client-side REST Invocations in Rollbase
Learn all about how to use a Rollbase client-side API to make RESTful service invocations.
Mohammed Siraj April 10, 2017
CIOs Focused on APIs Need to Plan for Their Own Deprecation
Mark Troester explains how CIOs need to move their thinking past APIs and onto a higher level—if they want to avoid their own deprecation.
Mark Troester February 19, 2016
Get Rules Without Limits in New Corticon Release
The June 8, 2015 release of Corticon Rules without Limits has improved the industry-best business rules engine for collaboration between Business and IT.
What’s in store for enterprise app dev with iPhone 6 and iOS 8?
As commentators and consumers digest the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, the Apple Watch and iOS8 launch, this is a great time to assess what impact the most anticipated Apple release of the year will have on enterprise developers and the opportunities they could offer.
Extending Client Side Behavior to a Rollbase Page Using Remote API
Today’s web applications use various services to mine data. These services provide users a better user experience when they enter information like name and zip code, into your app. If you're building applications with Progress Rollbase, part...

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