Kevin Foster

Kevin Foster is Senior Product Marketing Manager at Progress. He is responsible for the go-to-market planning, product marketing and strategy for Progress Corticon Business Unit. Kevin joined Progress in 2013, after 15 years of technology marketing and management experience with various hardware and software vendors. 

Articles by the Author

Using the A-87 Exception to Take Advantage of Corticon BRMS
US States are taking advantage of this government exception, which grants federal funding for upgrading benefit systems with business rules engines and other tech. Progress Corticon is eligible and can dramatically simplify your operations, saving time and money.
New Updates to Corticon Build on Market Leading BRE Success
The latest release of Corticon has arrived, adding new features and capabilities. Read on to learn what’s new and watch our latest Corticon in 90 seconds video.
Managing Pensions Successfully with a Business Rules Engine
Fiscal uncertainty has created a lot of turmoil in employee pension plans. In this webcast on 11/18, IT and business leaders from the state of New York will discuss strategies for ensuring that pension management systems are kept up to date with constantly changing rules and policies.
Kevin Foster November 17, 2015
How Corticon Boosted Efficiency and Empowered Realtors
Real estate transactions in California continue to become more and more complex. Worse yet, the corresponding regulations are ever-changing. This makes updating the multitude of forms needed to close a real estate transaction difficult, if not impossible. The California Association of Realtors (CAR)...
State Healthcare Exchanges Winning with the BRE Horse
A business rules engine is a targeted fix that has helped state healthcare exchanges achieve dramatic results. 
Learn How to Sell Business Rules to your Boss
Learn how to sell a business rules management system to your boss at this exclusive webinar from Progress® Corticon®.
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