Tag: high productivity

How to Create a Live Service Healthcare App with Kinvey
Learn how to rapidly develop an app that securely connects to a backend and receives live updates with Progress Kinvey and Live Service.
How to Integrate Biometric Authentication in iOS and Android
Learn how to easily integrate biometric Authentication like Face ID and Touch ID in your native iOS and Android mobile apps with NativeScript and Kinvey.
How to Build Mobile and Web Apps with a Common Code Base
In this webinar, learn how to reuse your web and Angular skills—and code—to build mobile apps and connect to services like Salesforce faster than ever.
Upgrade, Re-Platform or Cloud Wash ERPs for Mobile Apps
As demand for digital experiences strains enterprise systems, how can you deliver on the need for high productivity across traditional IT and modern app delivery teams?
Sumit Sarkar August 29, 2018
Mobile App Development on API Management Platforms
Despite many companies taking big steps in their digital efforts, delivering mobile apps remains a key challenge. A high productivity backend may be the answer.
Sumit Sarkar August 16, 2018

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