Tag: connectivity

3 Critical Features of Must-Have Business Apps
Applications are everywhere. This has generated a change in users' expectations. The more highly functional apps they encounter, the more discerning they become. Developing powerful applications has never been easy, but it is now more difficult than ever.

Michelle Tackabery April 07, 2014
Ride the Big Data Wave
Have you ever looked up at the sky on a clear, starry night? Looking at all those specs of light billions of light years away? There are actually more existing pieces of digital information than stars in the universe. The statistics on big data and its rapid accumulation are staggering (see...
Programming Languages and the Importance of ODBC
A few weeks back a colleague and I were driving through Seattle, and we began to debate the reach of ODBC as a key data standard.  His perspective was that ODBC was really a C/C++ technology, and that as people have largely moved to other programming languages, the importance of ODBC has declined as...
Business app development demands best practices
Few things can sink an application development project quite as quickly as a lack of focus. If professionals find that their tools are not up the task or simply cut corners, they may end up creating solutions that fail to live up to expectations. It is therefore important that business leaders ensure...
The Age Of Quantum Data
What if your retail store could simultaneously reach every potential buyer on the planet through totally personalized marketing offers based on location, buyer behavior, buyer history, social media, global economic conditions, and world events? The possibilities are endless with “quantum data” and...

Jeff Reser February 12, 2014

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