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PUG Challenge 2013: Lighting the Spark for EMEA Success
It’s been a busy few weeks for our user base, many of whom attended our biggest ever EMEA User Group conference, the EMEA PUG Challenge on November 7th and 8th. Held in Brussels, Belgium and hosted by the Independent Progress User Group...
The Spark Comes to Europe: PUG Challenge 2013
Following the success of Progress Exchange (#PRGS13) in Boston, the association of Progress User Groups for the EMEA region will be hosting its biggest ever User Group conference in Brussels on November 7 and 8. The...
When disaster strikes, OpenEdge is here to help you protect your data!
For today’s businesses, the ramifications of application downtime and compromised data include loss of revenue, dissatisfied customers, unproductive employees, regulatory scrutiny and more.  Progress OpenEdge can help minimize data loss during a...
Phil Pead Tech-Talks About Pacific and the Recent Explosion of PaaS
Progress, now a player in the platform-as-a-service (PaaS) market with new Progress Pacific, has a focus on helping businesses turn ideas into reality through development, deployment and management of business applications on premise, in the...
Euro-Pro takes it’s business to the next level with SaaS
Gartner has predicted that worldwide SaaS revenue will reach $22.1 billion in 2015, which is not a surprise when you consider that SaaS-based apps have enabled companies to grow more quickly and adapt to business...
What’s New with Progress Corticon?
You may know that at its core Progress Corticon BRMS ensures optimal decision-making processes with minimal risk by easing and accelerating the management of decision-making logic.  But did you know that this week we released the Progress...
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