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Hacking Our Way to LA
On the heels of a successful sponsorship at the HackTECH hackathon in Santa Monica, CA this past January, we're heading out to sponsor another of the west coast's largest hackathons, LA Hacks. The...
We Came, We Hacked, We Sponsored
Recently, Progress sponsored HackTECH, one of the largest hackathons on the west coast, held in Santa Monica, CA. The event drew more than 1200 students from CalTech, UCLA, USC, Harvey-Mudd College, Pomona College, UCSD, Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, UPenn, and other...
NETELLER Eliminates Identity Theft & Fraud Using Progress Corticon
Are you dreading the day you’ll have to organize that “chunk of cords” behind your desktop computer or television? If you’re like most people, the answer is yes, and the task is just too time-consuming to take on. Progress partner,...
Advanced Business Solutions Turns to Progress to Help Businesses Alleviate the Headache of Expense Reports
Do you dread getting back to the office and having to make time to fill out expense reports? If you’re like most people, the answer is a definite yes. The last thing you want to do after time on the road is spend more time filling out expense reports instead of the pile of work that likely...
5 Factors to Guide PaaS Adoption Decisions
When it's time to deploy a Platform-as-a-Service option for your application developers, it's important to make the right selection the first time. There are a few simple factors that go into the choice and can help you ensure that the new platform lives up to expectations and significantly improves...
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