Tag: performance

In the Digital Universe, Performance Decides Success
In Part 4 of his data performance series, Jesse Davis ​discusses out how data can be used to gain better insight into customer behavior.
Jesse Davis October 06, 2015
We Don’t Tolerate Delays
In part 3 of his data performance series, Jesse Davis describes his disdain for delays. Also read part two of the series: “Data Performance in a Digital Universe.”
Jesse Davis September 20, 2015
Data Performance in a Digital Universe
In part 2 of his data performance series, Jesse Davis describes how high-performing data connectivity determines success in an increasingly digital world. Also read part 1 of the series:...
When Real-Time Data Calls, Hybrid Data Pipeline Answers
Need real-time access to on-premise data behind a firewall? Find out how to get secure access without VPN, SSH tunneling or reconfiguring the firewall.
The Age Of Quantum Data
What if your retail store could simultaneously reach every potential buyer on the planet through totally personalized marketing offers based on location, buyer behavior, buyer history, social media, global economic conditions, and world events? The possibilities are endless with “quantum data” and...
Jeff Reser February 12, 2014

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