What's new in Progress DataDirect Data Integration Suite (DIS) 6.0?
Periodically, in addition to the news and trends you'll find here at the blog, we'll give you information on updates to the products that many of you are using. As always, feel free to comment or add any features you wish to be included - we love feedback! With the release of Progress DataDirect...
Paul Griffin January 25, 2011
Integrating Office applications with Salesforce.com - Part II
This second post in the series Integrating Office applications with Salesforce.com talks about querying Microsoft Office Word forms.

This is in no way a complete introduction on WordProcessingML, or the...

Integrating Office applications with Salesforce.com - Part I
As a regular reader of this blog, you probably remember we discussed at various occasions the ability to query, update and create Microsoft Office documents, using the DataDirect...
Creating Microsoft Office documents
I have my business data residing in a relational database, a set of EDI messages, or yet some other format and want to export it into Excel. Preferable in only a few lines of code. Without the requirement to have...
Marc Van Cappellen March 01, 2009
Creating ZIP files
The latest version of the DataDirect Data Integration Suiteincludes the ability to create and update ZIP files, straight from within XQuery.   Why would you want...
Marc Van Cappellen February 11, 2009

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