Introducing the MOVEit Customer Validation Program

by Mark Towler Posted on September 24, 2020

Make your voice heard and influence the future of MOVEit with our CVP program! Read on for the full details about this program and information on how can get involved.

We are delighted to announce the latest iteration of the Progress Customer Validation Program (CVP) exclusively for MOVEit Managed File Transfer software. This is a program where we welcome you ‘under the hood’ with us, enabling customers and partners to collaborate directly with senior members of the development teams and influence product direction. With thousands of MOVEit customers across hundreds of countries, there is an incredible amount of value to be found in collaboration. This is an opportunity to join specific discussion threads, join open houses and beta programs and work directly with the developers building the next generation of MOVEit.

What Is the Value of the CVP?

The value of the CVP goes two ways: As a software vendor, we get value from having better access to knowledge about what our customers need and what will make them successful. At the same time, our customers gain better insight and visibility into what we do as well as direct access to our senior engineers, architects and product managers. For example, in the regular Virtual Open Houses, we pick a topic on which an architect presents for 20-30 minutes and then the floor is opened for questions. It’s like visiting us in person, but you can be anywhere in the world. Ask our people about anything and if we can’t help you right there on the spot, we’ll reach out later with an answer. With the CVP, we intend to strengthen our partnership with our user community and encourage collaboration.

Progress aims to be highly responsive to our customer’s specific needs and we are constantly introducing features based on their feedback. For example, the Government of Canada recently required a specific security feature for their MOVEit Ad Hoc implementation and were delighted when we included it in our next release. Our goal is to make it easier than ever to get your feedback during the development process, so we can delight you in the same way.

Looking Forward

The CVP is just starting, and we highly encourage all Progress customers, partners and employees to join. The program offers great opportunities for customers to share their use cases, priorities and concerns, and gives our developers and product managers a chance to test the reception of upcoming release changes and new features so that we can fine-tune our way forward. We would love to keep you engaged so we can better understand your needs, concerns and what keeps you awake at night. We also want to help you understand what we’re focused on and where we are spending our time. Best of all, this is an opportunity to network with your colleagues in the industry and other partners around the world, learn from their approach and what they’re doing, and realize more benefits from the solution you already have.

For more information on the Customer Validation Program, simply  click here or push the button below to sign up directly.


Mark Towler
View all posts from Mark Towler on the Progress blog. Connect with us about all things application development and deployment, data integration and digital business.
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