
The Progress Team

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Articles by the Author

All Change: When to Prepare for New Regulations
As financial institutions bemoan the uncertainty still hovering over Dodd-Frank implementation and possible delays, there are steps that they can take to prepare for them even before the ink dries. Otherwise compliance can cause major disruptions to their business operations. Brokers, in...
Using technology to prepare for regulatory change: how can market surveillance technologies help?
Becoming and remaining compliant is a key consideration for brokers and exchanges, especially in a time of regulatory change. It frequently makes the top of the list in surveys on their primary concerns, which is unsurprising given the current confusion surrounding financial regulation. In this...
All Aboard: New Regulations Take Many Tracks
The regulatory trains in Europe and the US have left their respective stations and are headed down the tracks, but they will change tracks many times along the route before reaching their destination. Thick tomes of proposed operating rules have to be interpreted even as interested financial services...
Preparing for changes in the regulatory approach
In this short video we ask our experts how regulatory change will affect market participants, and the markets themselves. Without a crystal ball to predict the future, firms still need to be compliant, while trying to pre-empt the direction of regulatory reforms that are not yet finalized. This will...
Cutting through the confusion of financial regulation
Governments around the world seem to view increasing regulation as a way to control the financial markets and avoid future crises. But agreeing and implementing new regulation takes time, and when the markets move as fast as they do it can seem like a constant game of cat and mouse as the market...
Only You Can Prevent Flash Crashes
Faster than a forest fire, the May 6th, 2010 flash crash was a breathtaking nearly-1000-point drop-then-surge on the Dow Jones Industrial Average that shocked traders and the general public to their core. Unlike Smokey the Bear, who can sniff out and fight fires before they start to flame, US...
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