
The Progress Team

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Articles by the Author

Fixing the Fat Fingered Faux Pas Epidemic
The age of electronic execution has brought with it a niggling problem - fat fingered trading. A fast-paced, stressful trading environment creates an ideal incubator for hatching mistakes. They are often simple mistakes and involve pressing the wrong key on the keyboard, possibly at the wrong time...
The Trouble with Algorithms: Wild Children or Reckless Parents?
Algorithms and high frequency trading have been blamed for everything from the credit crisis to the May 6th flash crash and high speed market abuse, and have attracted unwanted interest from regulators on both sides of the pond. But questions remain whether these tools are really computer models gone...
Beware the Splash Crash
We have had the flash crash, the breathtaking 1000-point drop-then-surge that happened on May 6th, 2010. In the near future we will have a new worry - prepare for the “Splash Crash”, which will cross asset barriers in a single bound. As asset classes outside equities - energy, commodities,...
US and UK to Lose Ground as Algorithms and HFT Emigrate
High frequency and algorithmic trading will blossom in emerging markets such as Brazil and India, possibly signaling the end of US and UK dominance in financial markets. Even as regulators in the US and Europe debate over how to regulate algorithmic and high frequency trading (HFT), firms...
Red Flags in Morning, Firms Take Warning
A pattern is emerging within new financial services regulations where regulators and financial services firms deploy monitoring technology to "red flag" potential issues such as risk, position limits, errors and manipulation. The "red flags" raised would then alert the relevant personnel or...
Calming 'Regulation Anxiety'

There is a new kind of emotional disorder going around the financial markets - the previously unnamed fear of something ominous now that new financial rules have been laid down. Let's call it regulation anxiety.

Regulation anxiety has led to all sorts of new types of behavior in banks...

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