James Goodfellow

James Goodfellow

James Goodfellow is a Senior Director of Product Marketing for Application and Data Platform at Progress. Through his tenure at companies like Progress and SAS, he has spent the bulk of his career launching successful marketing campaigns for data and analytics products. James blogs here and around the web on topics such as data connectivity, analytics, IoT, visualization and machine learning.

Articles by the Author

See What’s New in Corticon 6
Make the most of your business rules with greater data access capabilities via seamless connectivity to REST API services and a simpler, faster .NET server architecture for faster throughput.
What is a REST API?
A REST API is an architectural style for creating web applications. Its core purpose is to ensure that computer systems on the Internet are interoperable.
Tutorial: Using Apache Drill to Query SQL Server, Salesforce and More Using RDBMS Storage Plugin
Companies have come to depend on open source products like Apache Drill to meet their data storage and analysis needs. As data architectures become more distributed, it can be difficult to access data from a single application. Progress DataDirect offers a simple solution to this very complex business demand.
Integrate Enterprise & Internal APIs with Salesforce using Lightning Connect
Internal, private APIs continue to grow as a source for exposing data across the enterprise. Bridging different standards, however, can make it challenging to access and use this data in cloud-based business applications. This tutorial explains how you can connect API data into OData for use with Salesforce Lightning Connect.
James Goodfellow December 03, 2018
Tutorial: Connecting to Heroku PostgreSQL via DataDirect
​In this tutorial, learn how to build out seamless connections between Heroku PostgreSQL data and the rest of your analytics infrastructure.
Build Custom ODBC/JDBC Connectors for REST Data Sources Using DataDirect OpenAccess SDK
Need to access RESTful data when your database or BI platform can’t speak the language? Progress DataDirect makes it easy to translate your business-critical data.
James Goodfellow November 15, 2018
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