david bressler

View all posts from david bressler on the Progress blog. Connect with us about all things application development and deployment, data integration and digital business.

Articles by the Author

NYC Cloud Computing Expo Preparation Almost Done

Well, we're just a few days away and preparation is winding down. We've got an article written and ready to go, and I've got my presentation mostly complete and just need to work on layout, notes and review. Sounds like I'm almost done... just hope I don't get sidetracked by some fire...

david bressler March 25, 2009
This Should Make It Obvious to Anyone

Looking at things from the perspective of how software is evaluated and brought into the enterprise, it's no wonder cloud computing is dramatically changing the landscape. Combine that with the trend of software vendors looking to compliance to shore up revenues, and customers pushing back to...

david bressler March 04, 2009
There's a Dilbert Cartoon in Here Somewhere...

I'm reviewing a customer case study, and there was a comment from a sales guy that I'd like to share. It brought up a funny visual for me. Did I mention, this came from a sales guy?

What about the benefit of knowing you have a problem at all? I think this is a big...

david bressler February 17, 2009
Progress, A Technology Company's Company

Last Thursday was analyst day at Progress Software, and while I wasn't there, I followed some of the activity on

How many times do you see Progress on this screen shot? (Answer below)

Coincidentally to analyst day, I was doing some research in preparation for...

You Can Look, But You Better Not Touch

Actually, touching would be great, but be warned... it costs extra! Did I ever tell you about that time in South Africa where I presented at a conference during one of their open sessions? Afterward, a guy actually came up and hugged me for my performance. True, I swear.

Come see yours truly at...

david bressler January 14, 2009
Rumors of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

There was a time when I was diving intensively and I'd call my boss at the end of vacation to let him know I was still alive and would be back in the office as planned. I even left my passwords and his information with my brother so my bro could send him my laptop if a fatal event occurred. Have...

david bressler January 09, 2009
Prefooter Dots
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