Today’s modern Medicaid Enterprise Systems are composed of reusable modules, connected in a Data Hub pattern, as defined by the CMS MITA initiative. In this webinar, we talk about how to speed time-to-value and reduce risk by focusing first and foremost on an Operational Data Store (an ODS) that fills the Data Hub role, and connects all the modules with clean, curated data for both real-time and batch operations. We will demonstrate a small, prototype ODS of this type to illustrate the MarkLogic approach. We will also show new Medicaid Accelerator components that MarkLogic is making available at no cost as open-source software, using the FHIR data standard for both internal and external interoperability as defined by the CMS interoperability rule. We will also discuss and weigh in on the difference between FHIR use internally vs externally. This demonstration will show how to import, combine, track, master, analyze and query Medicaid data to simplify MES Modernization efforts, and how to expose it in any format to downstream systems