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Best Practice

MFT Software

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MFT (Managed File Transfer) software provides the security, reliability, and control required by businesses moving large volumes of sensitive or protected data.

Managing Reliable, Secure and Cost-Effective File Exchange

When the nature of your business involves routine transfers of financial, PII or PHI data, security, reliability, cost and compliance are key concerns. Making data accessible, while also keeping control of it, is the value of Managed File Transfer (MFT). As data volumes and security concerns grow, MFT has emerged as an indispensable technology.

Historically, data has been transferred in many ways: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), email, shared cloud storage, and Application Integration Middleware. When copies are kept anywhere and everywhere with little control, organizations are exposed to increase risks of that data being mishandled or lost.

A strong managed file transfer (MFT) solution can address these needs in a more secure, reliable, compliant, automated manner while being more cost effective and easier to use. Moving data reliably and securely at the right time is a critical success factor in many businesses no matter what form the data may take.

MFT enables both security and full automation, which eliminates errors and reduces costs. If your existing file transfer systems require scripts to be written and maintained, significant manual activities, and high-touch maintenance to add or change partners or processes, there's a better way. Automation is one of the major reasons to embark on an MFT project.

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