Tag: governance

All Hail the SaaS Revolution!

Been thinking a lot about Software-as-a-Service (or SaaS) this week, and as it turns out, so have a few...

david bressler August 14, 2008
When Design-time Becomes Redesign-time

I continue to be surprised by the number of enterprise architects I talk to that think that the way to implement design-time governance is to have a checkpoint, before a service goes into production, to validate the service meets the requirements and rules.

The key problem with this approach...

dan foody August 06, 2008
SOA Governance and Management - the Difference

Joe McKendrick's recent post comments that many analysts are now putting SOA governance and SOA management tools into a single category. He cites arguments that they are in fact very different, stating that while governance is about managing the development and the life cycle of services,...

Giles Nelson May 12, 2008
Spring Cleaning for SOA Governance

Jon Williams, blogging over at InfoWorld in his New York CTO blog, posted an entry on worthless process.  In it he talked about, for every process/project you need to think "will this make...

dan foody February 16, 2008
A Makeover for SOA Governance

Looks like my previous posting on this topic was pretty timely.  Joe McKendrick (over at ZDNet) just today talked about SOA governance stifling agility.

In Joe's article, he asked the question of whether or not...

dan foody February 15, 2008

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