Denodo Platform is a data virtualization platform that offers a wide range of features—including data manipulation, joins, imports, exports, stored procedures, and more. With this one stop shop for your data virtualization needs, you don’t want to have to scramble across different vendors to find connectivity to all your data sources. This is where Progress DataDirect comes in with our enterprise grade, high performant ODBC and JDBC drivers, offering connectivity to all the data sources you need.
In this tutorial, we will walk you through on how you can connect to Oracle Eloqua (now, Oracle Marketing Cloud) from Denodo VDP. You can use similar steps with any of our JDBC drivers.
Driver class: com.ddtek.jdbc.eloqua.EloquaDriver
Database URI: jdbc:datadirect:eloqua:Company=company_id;
Login: Your username
You are now ready to virtualize your Eloqua data using Denodo VDP tool. Along with Progress DataDirect JDBC drivers, you can also use Progress DataDirect ODBC drivers with Denodo VDP to create virtualization for your data sources. Feel free to download the drivers and if you have any questions or issues, don’t hesitate to contact us.