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Machine Learning Myths vs. Reality: How to use Semantic AI to get to Trustworthy AI

Global business leaders believe that AI is transformational and either they incorporate it into the enterprise or get left behind. Data is the underlying asset of every AI application. According to Gartner, by 2020, 30% of CIOs will include AI in their top five investment priorities. However, to deliver on the AI promise, organizations need to work with high-quality data, because without it - “Analyzing a mess, gives you nothing more than an analyzed mess.”

Listen to Jeremy Bentley, CEO, and Founder, Semaphore and hear about:

  • ML Myths vs Reality
  • What is Semantic AI and how does it deliver high fidelity, high veracity data
  • How Semantic AI inoculates against the ‘curse of dimensionality’
  • How Semantic AI delivers high-quality data insights at 10% of the cost and 10% of the time without replacing any existing systems

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