Persona scoring rules format


A persona scoring rule can be:

  • An interaction, or activity, that a visitor completes on your site.
    Such rules consist of an interaction a visitor completes and an additional clarification, that is, the object upon which the interaction occurs. Interactions may span across different channels that characterize the visitor’s experience on your website. This experience may include what content the visitor sees, clicks on, downloads, searches for, and so on. You can choose whether visitors score points just once or every time they complete the interaction.
  • A personal or a demographic characteristic based on a contact profile property.
    These rules consist of a contact profile property and its value. For more information, see Configure contact properties.

By defining a rule, you specify:

  • The interaction and the object, or the contact property and its value
  • Point visitors score towards a persona, if they complete the interaction or provide the respective value.
    You can also define a scoring rule such that visitors score negative points toward a persona. For more information, see Persona scoring rules.

NOTE: The object of the persona rule is case-insensitive.

Visitors matching one or more of these rules accumulate scores towards the respective persona.

For more information about how editing rules affect Persona scorings calculations, see Retroactive scoring calculation rules.

If you do not specify a threshold, the system sets the threshold at 1.

Rule conditions

When defining the rules, you can choose from multiple conditions. For more information, see Define condition dialog

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