Contact profiles


You gain better understanding of your audience and visitors on the website, based on their personal data, characteristics, and behavior. With contact profiles in Sitefinity Insight, you get a complete overview of each known contact's background activity, and interactions on your site. You also see:

  • Summary of behavioral data in the form of scores the contact accumulated for lead scoring types, personas, conversions, and touchpoint hits
  • The contact’s customer journey with interactions chart and timeline

To view a list of all contacts, open Sitefinity Insight and navigate to Analytics » Audience » Contacts. To see its profile and details, click a contact e-mail in the table.

The Contact profile view opens.
It groups the information about given contact into these major areas:

Contact info

In each contact profile, you see information that helps you create better classifications and understanding of the audience of your site. You then can deliver personalized content or targeted action towards specific type of contacts.

The Contact info section shows information about the contact. Initially, you can see this data shown in columns:

  • Contact’s email, first and last name, and company, if available
  • Interactions count and active days count
    In this column, to see the contact’s interactions
    You can click view journey. For more information, see Journey below.
  • When the anonymous visitor became a contact
  • The last interaction for this contact

To display additional details about this contact, in the Contact info section, click Show details.

The Contact info section dynamically expands and lets you explore other metadata, including both default contact properties and additional information, collected for the contact.

By default, you can see the following set of predefined contact details:

  • Email - the identifier for known and anonymous contacts
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company
  • Country
  • Job Title
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Industry
  • Browser
  • Device
  • Web site

In this section, you can add custom contact properties according to your requirements and scenario. You can choose in what order to display the details. You can also combine contact data from different systems into one contact property. For example, you may want to show Job title property on the top of the details section, and you may want to take the data for this property from the CRM system and Sitefinity CMS.

For more information, see Configure contact properties.

Lead scoring

You can see the Lead scoring section only when the contact has scored points for any of the defined lead scorings. In this section, you see information about the following:

  • The lead scoring types, which the contact has accumulated score for
  • The engagement stage, which the contact has accumulated score for

To see the interactions that the contact completed scoring points to lead scoring types, in the Lead Scoring section, click Show details. This action expands the section with more detailed information about the lead scorings.

To explore the list of interactions completed by the contact, in the dropdown box, select a scoring type. This information helps you analyze the contact’s lead scoring and how it is formed.

NOTE: This dropdown is visible only when the contact has scored in multiple personas.

For more information, see Lead scoring types and stages.


You can see the Persona section only when the contact has similarity to any of your defined personas - if some points were scored towards this persona. In this section, you see all the persona details and the contact with which the persona is associated.

To see the interactions that the contact completed to score points for the persona, in the Persona section, click Show details. Use the dropdown to further explore each persona list with interactions, completed by this contact. This information helps you analyze the contact’s persona scoring and how it is formed.

NOTE: This dropdown is visible only when the contact has scored in multiple personas.


If a contact is associated with one or more personas, you see the persona that this contact matches the most, as well as the similarity to other personas. The bigger the score that the contact has (measured as a percentage over the persona threshold), the bigger the similarity to that persona traits and behavior. For more details about a persona, click its name.

For more information, see Persona scoring rules.


You can see the Conversions section only when the contact has qualified in any of your defined conversions. In this section, you see a list of all conversions that the contact took part in, and the exact date when the contact converted. 

  • To see details about the conversion tracking report, click any conversion.
  • To see a particular date in the customer journey, click view interactions.

PREREQUISITES: Customers with a free Sitefinity Insight account can see only the conversions that happened in the last year. If all conversions happened more than a year ago, the Conversions section is hidden. Customers with paid subscriptions can see all conversions. To upgrade, contact Sitefinity Sales.

Touchpoint hits

You can see the Touchpoint hits section only when the contact has hit in any of your defined touchpoints. In this section, you see a list of all touchpoints that the contact hit and the date when they were hit.

PREREQUISITES: Customers with a free Sitefinity Insight account can see only the touchpoints that were visited in the last year. If all touchpoints visits happened more than a year ago, the Touchpoints section is hidden. Customers with paid subscriptions can see all touchpoints. To upgrade, contact Sitefinity Sales.

To scroll to this particular date in the customer journey, click view interactions for a given touchpoint hit.
For more details about a specific touchpoint, click its name.


In the Journey section, you can see the following information:

  • A chart that represents the contact’s activities at the top. It is available only when the contact has been active for more than two days. In this chart, you can see the number of interactions by day, month, or year. When hovered, each column displays the number of interactions and conversions for this period. To scroll to the corresponding point of the journey, click view interactions.
  • A journey map that visually represents interactions and events for the contact, grouped by dates. You can see interactions, personalizations, and events like conversions, lead, and persona recognitions.

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