Conversions uplift

This report summarizes which conversion is most influenced by a specific touchpoint, based on

  • Unique conversions
    Number of visitors in the conversion visitor segment that hit the touchpoint and then converted.
  • Unique hits
    Number of visitors in the conversion visitor segment that hit the touchpoint.

Conversions are ordered by highest uplift with this touchpoint. The uplift measures how many times the conversion rate for visitors who hit the touchpoint is higher or lower than the conversion rate for all visitors in the tracked segment. The ratio is applied over the overall conversion window and not to selection on the graph.  For more information, see Conversions rate uplift.

In this summary, the sum of all conversion rate percentages add up to 100 % since they are applied to one touchpoint only.

You can see the Conversions uplift in any of the touchpoint reports. For more information, see Touchpoint reports.

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