Synchronize items, filtered by a tag or classification

You can synchronize items from SharePoint to Sitefinity CMS, based on their SharePoint tag and you can synchronize items from Sitefinity CMS to SharePoint, based on their Sitefinity CMS classification. The Sitefinity CMS classification must be a flat taxonomy.

Perform the following:

  1. Click Administration » Settings » Advanced » SharepointConnector » <your site name> » List mappings » <your list mapping name>.
    • To synchronize SharePoint items, based on their SharePoint tag, in SharePoint tags filter, enter one or more tags, separated by semicolon.
      The system synchronizes only items that are tagged with all of the tags that you have entered.
      When there are new items on the Sitefinity CMS side, when they are synchronized to SharePoint, the items are marked with the tags, specified above. This way, later they can be synchronized back to Sitefinity.
    • To synchronize Sitefinity CMS items, based on a classification, perform the following:
      1. In Sitefinity CMS classification filter, enter one or more classifications, separated by semicolon.
      2. In Sitefinity CMS classification field name, enter the name of the classification field.
        The classification must be flat taxonomy. You must enter the display name of the classification.
      3. For example, if you have created tags blue, green, and red and you want to sync only items tagged as green or blue. Then, in Sitefinity CMS classification filter, enter blue;green and in Sitefinity CMS classification field name, enter Tags.

        If you want to synchronize items based on a custom flat classification, enter the developer’s name of the classification field. This is the name that you enter in Step 5 of procedure Create custom fields.

  2. Click Save changes.

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