Revision history of content and media items


Use this feature to view and compare different versions of a content or media items. Every time you edit a content item, a version of that content item is saved by the system.

To view the history, perform one of the following:

  • Click the Actions link of the respective item and click Revision History.
  • To open the item for editing, in the right corner of the page click Revision History.

Publication history

The Revision History page opens with a list of all versions of the item. The currently published item is marked with a green checkbox .

On Revision History page, you can do the following:
  • You can view a previous version of the item by clicking the version.
    A preview opens. You can see the text and the properties of the item. If it is a media item, you can see the image or play the video.

    You can revert to a previous version of the page by clicking Revert to this version button.
    The system makes the selected version of the item the current one.

  • You can compare two versions of an item, by selecting them and clicking Compare.
    The system displays side-by-side both the content and the properties of the two versions and all the differences between them. If it is a media item, the system displays the image, a video player, or the file version.
  • You can delete versions of the item, by selecting them and clicking Delete.
  • You can add note to each version, by clicking the Write note link of the respective version.
    An input field where you enter and save the note appears.
    The note is displayed in the Revision History page. You can edit and delete the note.

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