Create the public login page that uses the new provider

After you were able to Custom membership provider: Example of using the custom membership provider, you can use the same user to login to the frontend. To test this, perform the following:

  1. Using the Default authentication provider, login to Sitefinity CMS with the admin account. 
  2. Create a page and drop the Login widget in one of the placeholders.
    You can find the Login widget under the Login section.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the widget, click Edit.
  4. In MembershipProvider field, enter CustomMembershipProvider.
  5. Save the widget.
  6. Drop the Login name widget in another placeholder on the page.

    NOTE: If you are using MVC widgets on your page, you need to have a hybrid page to add a Login name widget because it is a Web Forms widget. For more information, see Overview: Page templates

  7. Publish the page.
  8. Logout of Sitefinity CMS and navigate to your newly created page.
  9. Login with the sfcustomer account that Custom membership provider: Example of using the custom membership provider.
    After authentication, the full name appear on the site, indicating you are successfully authenticated and authorized using the new custom membership provider.

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