Login status widget

Use the Login status widget to display the login and logout links on your website.

Perform the following procedure:

  1. Drag the Login status widget in the page and click the Edit button in the upper-right corner of the widget.
    The widget configuration opens in advanced mode.

    By default the Login status widget displays a Log in link, when the user is not logged, and a Log out link, when the user is logged in.

  2. Depending on where you have dropped the Login status widget, perform one of the following:
    • If you have the Login and the Login status widgets on different pages, you must enter the URL of the page, where the Login widget is dropped, in LoginUrl input field. This way, when an unlogged user, clicks the Log in link, the Login page is displayed.
    • If you have the Login and Login status widgets on one page, to avoid displaying both the Log in link from the Login status widget and the Login button from the Login widget, you can hide the Login status widget from users that are not logged in. This way only the Log out link is displayed only to users that are logged in.
      To do this, perform the following:
      1. Click More in the upper-right corner of the Login status widget.
      2. In the dropdown menu, click Permissions.
      3. In View a widget section, click Change.
      4. Under Advanced, select Explicitly deny this to selected roles and users... checkbox.
      5. Click Add Roles or Users button.
      6. Select Anonymous and click Done selecting.
  3. By default, when the user clicks Log out, the page is refreshed. To redirect the user to another page, in LogoutAction input field, enter Redirect and in LogoutUrl input field, enter the URL of the page where you want to send the user after a logout.

    For more information about advanced configuration options, see Advanced configuration of widgets.

  4. When you are finished, click Save.
    The Edit window closes.

NOTE: The login status cannot be displayed in page editing mode. To see a preview, exit the page editing mode and click Live site link in the upper-right corner of the page.

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