Data quotas


As a cloud service, Sitefinity Insight enforces quotas on visitors’ data to prevent abuse and accidental usage, and protect you from undesirable effects of other accounts’ actions.

The following reports are subject to limitations when your account quota is exceeded:

  • Conversion reports
  • Touchpoints reports
  • Personas reports
  • Uplift reports
  • Attribution reports
  • Lead scoring reports
  • Personalization reports - Conversion uplift report
  • Personalization reports - Top and previous interactions report

IMPORTANT: For the period when your account is over the quota limitations, your marketing data continue to be collected but are not processed or shown.

When a quota restriction is in effect, you can configure these reports to show your marketing data only for periods before the date on which the restriction came into effect.

If your visitors’ data drops under the quota limits, Sitefinity Insight resumes processing your marketing data and the affected reports become available again.

Check your quota

At any time, you can check your visitors’ data quota. To do so, perform the following:

  1. Log into Sitefinity Insight.
  2. Navigate to Administration » Data centers.
  3. Check the Account overview » Visitors quota gauge.

NOTE: When calculating your account quota, the sample Data centers are excluded. Only non-test data count towards your account’s quota.

If your account quota for visitors’ data is exceeded, you receive a warning notification inside Sitefinity Insight. Additionally, you receive mail notifications.

In thirty days after the first time the quota has been exceeded, the Conversation, Touchpoints, Personalization, Personas, and Lead scorings reports stop displaying marketing data for the period in which the limit is exceeded. Additionally, you receive a notification mail, and a red warning banner appears inside Sitefinity Insight.

Resolve the quota limitation

We recommend you to remove unneeded visitors’ data periodically. This not only prevents exceeding the data quota but also avoids noise in your audience data. To learn how to perform this operation, see Remove visitors’ data.

You may also upgrade your subscription. To upgrade, contact the Sitefinity Sales team.

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