IMPORTANT: This article documents functionality that is no longer the recommended approach when adding dynamic fields to pages. The information below it is available for migration purposes only, in case you were using custom page attributes in Sitefinity CMS versions prior to 7.0, when custom fields for pages were introduced. To follow the officially recommended approach, check the Add custom fields to pages article.
NOTE: Backend pages and group pages do not support custom fields.
You create custom page attributes through configuration, and you can only use the user interface for it. To create a new custom attribute, perform the following:
NOTE: You can also choose any other section, not only Advanced Options.
NOTE: You can also choose other types of attributes, such as ChoiceFieldElement, HierarchicalTaxonFieldDefinitionElement, and FlatTaxonFieldDefinitionElement.
Once you have created a custom page attribute, you can edit its value when creating or editing a page. For information about creating a custom attribute, see Creating a custom page attribute earlier in this article.
To edit the value of an attribute, perform the following:
The custom attribute that you created appears in the section. Depending on the type you selected, there may be different user interface for editing the value. If you selected TextFieldDefinitionElement, a textbox appears.
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