Conversion rate uplift by touchpoints

This report summarizes how many times a touchpoint is hit by visitors and how many of these visitors converted afterwards, based on a specific conversion definition and its window. Thus, you get an idea whether the particular touchpoint influences the purchasing decision of visitors and to which conversion this touchpoint supplemented the most.

NOTE: For the purpose of the report, visitors that complete the conversion event are considered as "converted" for this specific conversion definition. 

The conversion rate uplift measures how many times the conversion rate for visitors who hit the touchpoint is higher or lower than the conversion rate for all visitors in the tracked segment. The rate is applied over the overall conversion window and not to selection on the graph. For more information, see Conversions rate uplift

The sum of all conversion rate percentages does not add up to 100% because one touchpoint can attribute to more than one conversion.

You can see the Top touchpoints in any of the conversion reports. By default, touchpoints are ordered by biggest number of hits, but you can also sort them by highest attribution ratio.

For more information about reports, see Conversion and uplift reports.

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