You use the Feather Breadcrumb widget to display the path to the current page. This helps your users to navigate the website and to understand where the page they are looking at is located.
To configure the Breadcrumb widget:
Click the Edit button in the upper-right corner of the widget. The Edit window is displayed.
Under What to include in the breadcrumb, choose one of the following radio buttons:
Path starting from a specific page... The system displays the path from a selected page to the current page.
Choose whether you want to:
Show Current page in the end of the breadcrumb This displays the current page as a link at the end of the breadcrumb.
In the Advanced settings, you specify individual properties of the widget, that is, the TemplateName. The template name gets the template you chose in the Breadcrumb template dropdown menu.
Model settings display all properties directly bound to the Breadcrumb widget model. Access these properties by clicking the Model button in Advanced settings.
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