Use this page to add and configure registered Twitter applications to Sitefinity CMS. Through Sitefinity CMS backend you can use the Twitter API to publish tweets. For example, your blog posts can be published as tweets. To do this you need to register a Twitter application in Twitter and add it in Sitefinity.
NOTE: Sitefinity CMS application is added as an application by default and you can use it to tweet. You must register additional applications only if you do not want to use Sitefinity. You can, for example, add the name of your website as an application. Even if you do not register your own application, you must assign users to Sitefinity CMS application – Step 6 and Step 7 of the following procedure.
To register an application, perform the following:
NOTE: In Application Name input field, enter the name of your website. You must also fill out the Callback URL field, following the format: http(s)://
When you complete your application registration, Twitter will generate a Consumer key and Consumer secret for your application.
You can delete an application by clicking its Actions button and selecting Delete.
For example, you can register an application MyNews, but you can associate two accounts with that application – sports and weather. Some people may follow only the sports other may follow only the weather.
Twitter opens, asking you to grant access to the application to your Twitter data.
NOTE: If you want to publish from Sitefinity CMS to Twitter, you must to create a feed. For more information, see Twitter feed.
Bitly is a URL shortening service. By default, Sitefinity CMS application uses the Sitefinity CMS bitly account for URL shortening. You can register and use your own account. To do this, register at and obtain the Account name and the API Key, which you then enter in Sitefinity CMS, by clicking the default Sitefinity CMS account under URL Shortening section.
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