NOTE: All custom fields you have created for the content type you have chosen in This template is applied to..., appear under Other data node.
NOTE: You use the property to identify a widget template using a readable name instead of a GUID. This field is not required and some of the widget templates do not have a value for NameForDevelopers by default. If necessary, you can assign a value for the property. Sitefinity CMS does not guarantee the uniqueness of the NameForDevelopers property for each application. In addition, there is a new virtual path to each named widget template: ~/SfCtrlPresentation/ByName/[NameForDevelopers].ascx. You can put this virtual path in LayoutTemplatePath input field of any widget to make it render the selected template.
To find the correct declarations for your template you can go and edit some of the templates that are coming with Sitefinity CMS.
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