Use feeds and notifications to publish frequently updated information. You can publish an RSS feed for a blog, news, or events on the website and the users can subscribe to this feed. This way they will receive updates of the blog, news, or events without having to visit the website.You can also publish content you create in Sitefinity CMS as tweets via a Twitter account.
NOTE: Feeds are shared across different sites. If you are using multiple sites, changing a feed on one site will change the feed on every other site that uses it.
You can publish as feed one of the following types of content:
You can publish the included content in one of the following types:
You manage feeds on Feeds & Notifications page.
To open the page in the main menu at the top, click Administration » Alternative Publishing. You display the RSS feed in your website using the Feed widget. For more information, see Feed widget.
For more information about caching the feed output, see Administration: Cache settings » Output caching for RSS.
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