Quick info text |
Procedure |

Use this function to move content from one place on the page to another place on the page or to another location.
- Select the content which you want to relocate.
- Click Cut or press CTRL+X.
- The system removes the selected content and copies it to the clipboard.
- Place the cursor where you want the content to appear and click Paste or press CTRL+P.
NOTE: Only the last piece of content you cut can be pasted. If you cut something and then you copy or cut another thing. The first thing you cut is lost.

Use this function to copy content from one place on the page to another place on the page or to another location.
- Select the content which you want to copy.
- Click Copy or press CTRL+C.
The system removes the selected content and copies it to the clipboard.
- Place the cursor where you want the content to appear and click Paste or press CTRL+P.
NOTE: Only the last piece of content you copy can be pasted. If you copy something and then you copy or cut another thing. The first thing you copied is lost.

Use this button to paste text or tables.
- Copy or cut the desired content.
- In the text editor, place the cursor where you want the text to appear and click Paste or press CTRL+P.

Clear Formatting |
By selecting a text and clicking this button, you clear all formatting from the selected text, such as bold and italic. |

Use this button to apply bold formatting to the text.
- Select the text, which you want to make bold or place the cursor inside a word.
- Click Bold button.
The system makes the selected text bold.

Use this button to apply italic formatting to the text.
- Select the text, which you want to make italic or place the cursor inside a word.
- Click Italic button.
The system makes the selected text italic.
Use this button to underline text.
- Select the text, which you want to underline or place the cursor inside a word.
- Click Underline button.
The system underlines the text.

Use this button to make the text appear smaller and below the line of text.
- Select the text you want to subscript or place the cursor inside a word.
Usually you do not enter a space between the normal text and the subscripted text.
- Click Subscript button.
The system makes the selected text appear smaller and below the line of the normal text.
Click the button again to switch to normal text typing.

Use this button to make the text appear smaller and above the line of text.
- Select the text you want to superscript or place the cursor inside a word.
Usually you do not need to have a space between the normal text and the superscripted text.
- Click Superscript button.
The system makes the selected text appear smaller and above the line of the normal text.
Click the button again to switch to normal text typing.

Align Text Left
Use this button to align a paragraph to the left.
- Select the paragraph you want to align or place the cursor inside the paragraph.
- Click Align Text Left button.
The system aligns only the selected paragraph to the left.
You can align all paragraphs at once by pressing CTRL+A and clicking Align Text Left button.

Use this button to align a paragraph around the center of the screen.
- Select the paragraph you want to align or place the cursor inside the paragraph.
- Click Center button.
The system centers the paragraph and distributes all words evenly to the right and to the left.
You can align all paragraphs at once by pressing CTRL+A and clicking Center button.

Align Text Right
Use this button to align a paragraph to the right.
- Select the paragraph you want to align or place the cursor inside the paragraph.
- Click Align Text Right button.
The system aligns only the selected paragraph to the right.
You can align all paragraphs at once by pressing CTRL+A and clicking Align Text Right button.

Use this button to align both the left and the right side of a paragraph.
- Select the paragraph you want to justify or place the cursor inside the paragraph.
- Click Justify button.
The system aligns both sides of the paragraph and automatically adds spaces where needed so that the paragraph looks uniformly distributed.
You can justify all paragraphs at once by pressing CTRL+A and clicking Justify button.

Use this button to create and remove bulleted lists.
Creating a bulleted list
- Select two or more paragraphs you want to be bulleted list and click Bullets.
The system indents the paragraphs to the right and inserts a bullet to each paragraph.
- If you need the paragraph(s) following the bulleted list to be also part of the list, select the paragraph(s) and click Bullets.
Inserting more bulleted paragraphs
If you want to insert a bulleted paragraph inside a bulleted list, perform the following:
- To insert a bullet at the beginning of the list, place the cursor at the beginning of the first paragraph and press ENTER.
The system inserts a new paragraph with a bullet.
- To insert a bullet in the middle of a bulleted list, place the cursor at the end of the paragraph after which you want to insert the new bulleted paragraph and press ENTER.
The system inserts a new paragraph with a bullet.
- To insert a bullet in the end of a bulleted list, place the cursor at the end of the last paragraph and press ENTER.
The system inserts a new paragraph with a bullet.
Removing bullets
- If you want to remove a bullet, select the paragraph(s) which you do not want to be bulleted and click Bullets.
- If you want to end your bulleted list and continue with normal paragraphs, place the cursor at the end of the last bulleted paragraph and press ENTER twice.
Creating sub list of a bulleted list
To make a bulleted list to have more than one level of bullets, perform the following:
- Select the bulleted paragraph which you want to become a sub list of the bulleted paragraph above it and click
Increase Indent button.
The system moves the selected bulleted paragraph to the right and changes the type of bullets used.
- To insert more bullets at that second level, either select the next paragraph and perform Step 1, or, if you need new paragraph, place the cursor at the end of the second level bulleted paragraph and press ENTER.
To return at the first level of bullets, select the second level bulleted paragraph and click Decrease Indent button.

Use this button to create and remove numbered lists.
Creating a numbered list
- Select two or more consecutive paragraphs you want to be numbered and click Numbering.
The system inserts a number to each paragraph, starting from one.
- If you need the paragraph(s) following the numbered list to be also part of the list, select the paragraph(s) and click Numbering.
Inserting more numbered paragraphs
If you want to insert a numbered paragraph inside a numbered list, perform the following:
- To insert a number at the beginning of the list, place the cursor at the beginning of the first paragraph and press ENTER.
The system inserts a new paragraph numbered 1 and adjusts the following numbers.
- To insert a number in the middle of a numbered list, place the cursor at the end of the paragraph after which you want to insert the new numbered paragraph and press ENTER.
The system inserts a new paragraph with the respective number and adjusts the following numbers.
- To insert a number in the end of a numbered list, place the cursor at the end of the last paragraph and press ENTER.
The system inserts a new paragraph with the respective number.
Removing numbering
- If you want to remove the numbering, select the paragraph(s) which you do not want to be numbered and click Numbering again.
- If you want to end your numbered list and continue with normal paragraphs, place the cursor at the end of the last numbered paragraph and press ENTER twice.
You cannot have an unnumbered paragraph inside the numbered list. If you remove the numbering of a paragraph that is in the middle of a numbered list, the system restarts the numbering for the paragraphs following this paragraph.
Creating nested numbered list
To make a numbered list to have more than one level of numbering, perform the following:
- Select the numbered paragraph which you want to become a sub list of the numbered paragraph above it and click
Increase Indent button.
The system moves the selected numbered paragraph to the right and restarts the numbering of this paragraph from 1. The numbering of the rest of the paragraphs is adjusted accordingly.
- To continue the numbering at that second level, either select the next paragraph and perform Step 1, or, if you need new paragraph, place the cursor at the end of the second level numbered paragraph and press ENTER.
To return on the first level of numbering, select the second level numbered paragraph and click Decrease Indent button.

Insert Hyperlink
Use this function to insert hyperlinks in the text.
Perform the following:
- Place the cursor where you want to insert a hyperlink or select a word or phrase which you want to make a hyperlink.
- Click Insert Hyperlink.
A window appears.
- In Text to display input field, enter the name of the link as you want it to appear on your webpage.
By default the word or phrase that you have selected appears in the field. You can change the word that appears as a hyperlink on your webpage.
- In Target frame dropdown box, select the way you want the linked website to open when clicked.
- In Address input field, enter the address of the webpage, which you want to reference.
For example, www.mysite.com.
- When finished, click OK.
The system sets the hyperlink and changes its formatting.

Insert Symbol
Use this function to insert symbols in the text.
- Place the cursor where you want to insert a symbol and click Inset Symbol.
A window appears.
- Select the font in which you want the symbol to appear.
- Select a symbol by clicking it.
The symbol is inserted.
If you need you can filter the symbols using the Filter dropdown box.
When finished inserting symbols, click Close.

Insert Code Block |
Use this button to insert a code snippet.
- Place the cursor on a new line, where you want to insert the snippet.
- Click Insert Code Block.
- Enter the source code and choose the programming language.
- Click OK.
The code snippet is inserted with the appropriate formatting.

Use this button to add a table.
To do this, click Table.
Use the cursor to select the size of the table or click Insert Table…, enter the number of columns and rows, and click OK.
The system inserts the table. You can change its properties or delete it.

Insert Picture from File
Use this function to insert an image in the text of the text editor.
- Place the cursor where you want the image to appear.
- Click Insert Picture from File.
The Insert image window appears where you choose between the following:
For more information, see Images.

Insert document or other file |
Use this button to insert a file. The file is inserted as link in the text and stored in the default library.
Choose where you want to upload the files from, by selecting one of the following:
- Select file from this computer
- To upload a file, browse your computer to find the file you want to upload and click Open.
- Click Continue.
- Enter a file name and click INSERT.
- Select file from the server
- Select the Sitefinity CMS library where the file is located.
- Click the file and click Continue.
- Enter a file name and click INSERT.
You can insert only one file at a time.

In this dropdown box, select the style that you want to apply to the selected text. |