This interface is implemented by all events which fire for dynamic modules. Use it if you want to subscribe to all of them. Use the following code to subscribe.
EventHub.Subscribe<IDynamicContentEvent>(evt => IDynamicContentEventHandler(evt));
In the event handler, you can access the ID of the currently logged in user.
IDynamicContentEventHandler(IDynamicContentEvent eventInfo)
var userId = eventInfo.UserId;
This interface is implemented by all events which fire after a dynamic content item has been created. There's only one such built-in event, but you should subscribe using the interface rather than the class that implements it. Subscribe using the following code.
EventHub.Subscribe<IDynamicContentCreatedEvent>(evt => IDynamicContentCreatedEvent(evt));
IDynamicContentCreatedEvent(IDynamicContentCreatedEvent eventInfo)
var creationDate = eventInfo.CreationDate;
var dynamicContentItem = eventInfo.Item;
var visible = eventInfo.Visible;
This interface is implemented by all events which fire after a dynamic content item has been updated. There's only one such built-in event, but you should subscribe using the interface rather than the class that implements it. Subscribe using the following code.
EventHub.Subscribe<IDynamicContentUpdatedEvent>(evt => CommentsEventHandler(evt));
In the event handler you can access the following information:
IDynamicContentUpdatedEvent(IDynamicContentUpdatedEvent eventInfo)
var modificationDate = eventInfo.ModificationDate;
This interface is implemented by all events which fire after a dynamic content item has been deleted. There's only one such built-in event, but you should subscribe using the interface rather than the class that implements it. Subscribe using the following code.
EventHub.Subscribe<IDynamicContentDeletedEvent>(evt => IDynamicContentDeletedEvent(evt));
IDynamicContentDeletedEvent(IDynamicContentDeletedEvent eventInfo)
var modificationDate = eventInfo.DeletionDate;
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