To display MVC forms on your pages, you use the Form widget. When you place the Form widget on a page that is in hybrid or pure MVC mode, you select which MVC form to display.
PREREQUISITES: You must have first created at least one MVC form.
In the Settings section, you define custom actions that occur after a form is submitted. If you opt to use custom confirmation, you are enabled to select one of the following options:
In the Advanced settings section, you configure the individual properties of the widget. The model settings display all properties directly bound to the Form widget model. You can access these properties by clicking the Model button in Advanced settings mode.
AjaxSubmitUrlGets and sets AJAX submit URL. Use only when UseAjaxSubmit is set to True.
CssClassGets and sets an additional CSS class for the form wrapper element.
CustomConfirmationMessageGets and sets custom confirmation message that would be displayed after successful submit of the form. Applicable only when CustomConfirmationMode is set to ShowMessageForSuccess.
CustomConfirmationModeDefines action after successful form submit:
CustomConfirmationPageIdGets and sets ID of the page where the user will be redirected after successful submit of the form. Applicable only when CustomConfirmationMode is set to RedirectToAPage.
FormIdGets and sets ID of the form displayed in the widget.
UseAjaxSubmitDefines whether the form will be submitted with AJAX request.
UseCustomConfirmationGets or sets whether to use custom confirmation action when the form is submitted successfully. If this setting is set to False, then the default settings of the form will be applied.
ViewModeGets or sets the mode of the form:
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