The forms module exposes events that are related to the data passed by the form during the submission process. To subscribe to events, we recommend using the interfaces, even if the events that fire are concrete implementations (classes).
Following is a full list of the events supported by forms:
This interface is implemented by all events fired for Forms. Use it, if you want to subscribe to all of them. Subscribe using the following code:
The IFormEntryEvent interface inherits from IFormsModuleEvent, and is the base interface, responsible for form entries events, that fire on specific actions such as create or update.
In the event handler, you can access the following information:
To subscribe, use the following:
This interface is implemented by all events that fire after a form entry is created. There is only one such built-in event and you must subscribe to the interface rather than the class that implements it. Since this interface inherits from IFormEntryEvent, you can access the same type of information inside your event handler. Subscribe using the following code:
This interface is implemented by all events that fire after a form entry is updated. There is only one such built-in event and you must subscribe to the interface rather than the class that implements it. Since this interface inherits from IFormEntryEvent, you can access the same type of information inside your event handler. Subscribe using the following code:
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