To display content on your page, you use widgets, with a dedicated widget for each content type. You can configure widgets to display different part of content, by combining widgets and by tagging and classifying content. Widgets also define how content is presented in the publishing medium, that is, on the webpage. For more information about using widgets, see Widgets.
For example, you use the Events widget to display a list of upcoming events on your website. You can configure the widget to display a paged list of events, based on whether the event has a tag Conference. For more information about adding widgets and configuring them, see Add widgets on pages and templates.
You can then choose the way content, for example, events are displayed by changing the template which the Events widget uses. For more information, see Create and edit widget templates.
You can define default pages, with which content items are associated via the respective content widget. Say you have three News items. Once you drop the News widget on a page, these News items are displayed by default on this page. This way, Sitefinity CMS knows the exact URL of each item, which allows you to preview the item as it will be displayed on the website. For more information, see Locations of content items: Canonical URLs.
The automatic generation of the URL for a file uses the following convention:
http://<my site URL>/<X>/<the URL name of the data source>/<the URL name of the library>/<the URL name of the document or file>.<the file extension> where X is docs for documents and files, images for images, and videos for videos.
IMPORTANT: You must not change the provider URL name after you have uploaded items, because this can break the URLs of the already uploaded items.
NOTE: The documents from upgraded projects have URLs that are generated without the data provider name. They will still work and will use the default library provider for the system.
You can change the URL name of an item by editing its properties.
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