HACK: How to hide controls from toolbox section in Sitefinity 3.6

March 27, 2009 Digital Experience


I know that many of you have asked us about this. How we can hide some controls, so that a certain users will not be able to use them.

Ok, me and one of our developers decided to provide this solution for you.


Firs we create a class in our App_Code folder. Our class should inherit form Telerik.Cms.Web.EditPage. Then, we override CreateChildControls method and we find Toolbox control by ID. We get the ID of the expandPanel and controlsLoader controls. Thus, we can access the DropDownPanel and hide the controls.


using System.Web.UI;
using Telerik.Cms.Web;
using Telerik.Cms.Web.UI;
/// <summary> 
/// Summary description for HackEditPage 
/// </summary> 
// we inherit from Telerik.Cms.Web.EditPage 
public class HackEditPage : EditPage
 public HackEditPage()
 // TODO: Add constructor logic here 
 // override chind controls 
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
 //find the tollbar by ID 
        ToolBar toolbar = this.Form.FindControl("toolBar") as ToolBar;
 // set null to the tollbox 
        Toolbox toolbox = null;
 // reverse all controls in toolbar controls 
 foreach (Control c in toolbar.Controls)
 if (c is Toolbox)
                toolbox = c as Toolbox;
 if (toolbox != null)
 // find the container 
            Control control = toolbox.FindControl("controlsContainer");
            control = control.FindControl("controlsLoader");
 foreach (Control c in control.Controls)
 // get the drop down panel and hide the sections from it. 
                DropDownPanel panel = c as DropDownPanel;
 if (panel != null 
                    && (panel.Text == "Most popular" || panel.Text == "Custom")
                    && User.IsInRole("administrators"))
                    panel.Visible = false;


Finally change ~/Sitefinity/Admin/EditPage.aspx as below:


<%@ Page Inherits="HackEditPage, App_Code" MasterPageFile="~/Sitefinity/Dummy.master" %>

Many tanks to Parvan!

The Progress Team

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