
Application Evolution to Cloud
2nd October 2019

Join us on Wednesday October 2nd at The Hoxton in London and spend the day immersed in the technologies and trends that will ensure your place as a digital leader.

About the Event

Spend a day exploring the latest from Progress' technologies which enable application development and deployment to become your competitive advantage now and in the future. Take the opportunity to collaborate with Progress colleagues, enjoy networking with peers, and learn how application evolution can positively affect revenues, market share and process efficiency within your organisation.


08.30 – 9.30


9.30 – 09.45

Welcome and Introduction

09.45 – 10.30

The Progress Application Evolution Approach

With Progress as your partner, there is no need to delay the Application Evolution process any longer. You are in an ideal position to seize the new opportunities that will present themselves with a move to a lighter and more fluid cloud architecture. We now offer a prescriptive Application Evolution process, designed to initially focus on one area of the application. This process enables you to continually improve your application as business requirements shift. The result is an application that is always producing value, enabling the organisation to evolve, thrive and compete.

10.30 – 11.15

Evolving Your OpenEdge Architecture

The steady adoption of micro services and use of API’s has accelerated due to heightened needs for systems to interoperate. Organisations are being pushed to keep up or risk competitive disruption. According to Forrester, “2019 will herald the first comprehensive industry cloud ecosystems, with extensible SaaS apps at their core.1” Learn how Progress Application Server for OpenEdge can help you get to the cloud and extend the capabilities of the application through APIs or RESTful services to improve extensibility, scalability and collaboration.

11.15 – 11.30


11.30 – 12.15

Evolving for Seamless Data Integration

Accessing and sharing data across organisational boundaries without affecting performance or security of the application is not easy. Learn how new technologies in the Progress portfolio such as Hybrid Data Pipeline (HDP) and the Autonomous REST Connector can be leveraged to create frictionless cloud2ground integration between disparate applications, data sources and business intelligence platforms to enable organisational efficiencies, data-driven decision-making and improved business visibility.

12.15 – 12.45

Customer Speaker – Nigel Williams, LexisNexis on OpenEdge Pro2

12.45 – 13.45


13.45 – 14.30

Running OpenEdge in Amazon Web Services Cloud

Progress and AWS share with you our experiences helping real customers move their OpenEdge applications to run on AWS public cloud. We will cover cloud resources provisioning, securing, monitoring, disaster recovery and more. The session will conclude with some insights into ongoing research by Progress and AWS aiming to advance your ability to benefit from running OpenEdge in public cloud.

14.30 – 15.15

Utilising PASOE on the journey to Native Cloud Apps

There’s a new approach to app development. We call it serverless, but it’s also known as backend as a service (BaaS), function as a service (FaaS), cloud-native architectures, or microservices—just to name a few. Whatever you call it, this approach is giving OpenEdge developers new freedom to focus on frontend functionality and deliver better, more innovative user experiences. 

15.15 – 15.30


15.30 – 16.15

How a Managed Database Service Can Help You Run Lean

As companies evaluating their OpenEdge deployments, one question that arises is “. Whether the cloud is the right place to go? Should I stay on-premises? Do I have the experience and resources to operate in a highly available environment? The Progress Managed Database Admin (MDBA) Service helps answer some of these questions. Hear what some OpenEdge users are doing, what benefit they see, and how they are saving operational costs. This service can help cut costs while also increasing performance, reliability, and availability of your OpenEdge applications.

16.15 – 17.00

All You Need to Know About OpenEdge 12

17.00 – 19.00

Drinks and Networking


The Hoxton

81 Great Eastern Street
United Kingdom



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