If you have personalized versions of the page you want to duplicate, these versions are not duplicated. For more information, see Create a personalized version of a page.
When duplicating a page, you can duplicate the whole page hierarchy or change the page’s location in the hierarchy.
If you have multiple language versions of a page, you duplicate each translation of the page separately. You select the language that you want to duplicate from the Languages dropdown menu on the right. For more information, see Administration: Language settings. NOTE: When duplicating a multilingual page, even if you duplicate all language versions of the page, the pages are duplicated as separate items.
You can also duplicate a page in a language in which the page does not have a translation. Thus, you can just edit and translate the duplicated page in the required language without having to create the page from scratch.
To duplicate a page or a translation of a page, perform the following:
For more information, see Create a page.
For more information about duplicating pages in multisite environment, see Share pages.
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