A custom field is a field that you create. For each content item there are default fields, such as author, title, etc. If you need to add different than the already existing fields, you must create a custom field, for example, price. A custom field is associated with the content type. For more information about custom fields and how to work with them in the backend, see Overview: Custom fields.
You can also create a new custom field using the Fluent API. The following example shows how to create a new custom field to the News module - the field is accessible for every news item:
The example uses the DynamicData facade. This facade provides methods for retrieving the field information. The DynamicData() facade provides methods for working both with a single field or a collection of fields.
This code creates a new ResearcherName column in the table related to the News module. This is done by Telerik OpenAccess ORM.
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