To add a product to your wish list, customers must register with the online store or log in. New wish list registrations default to private, but can be made public and then shared via social sharing sites. They can also be emailed to a friend. Once registered, customers can return to the store at any time to see their wish list.
For Merchants Enabling the wish list gives your shoppers more flexibility and makes customers more likely to return to purchase additional items. Also, by promoting social sharing, your site will get additional exposure thereby increasing visitors and possible conversions. Wish list widget
For Developers You can subscribe to OnProductInWishlistPurchased and OnProductAddedToWishList events and run your own custom logic if desired (like sending emails etc). For developers: Wish lists. Here's an example:
Add Global.asax file and add this code in the cs file:
To hook up to these events, you must perform the following:
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